How to Dress for Job Opportunities
Polish Your Professional Appearance
It makes sense to dress your best for the interview, regardless of the dress code at the organization. If you’re in doubt about how to dress for an interview, it is best to dress to impress. Keep your personal appearance professional!
Remember: You only have one chance to make a positive first impression and capture job opportunities.
Wear business-like attire, avoid flashy colors, bold prints, logos and keep jewelry to a minimum. Wear clothes in which you feel comfortable. If it’s questionable, then you probably shouldn’t wear it.
Solid color, conservative suit
Coordinated blouse
Moderate shoes
Limited jewelry
Neat, professional hairstyle
Tan or light hosiery
Sparse make-up & perfume
Manicured nails
Portfolio or briefcase
Solid color, conservative suit
White long-sleeve shirt
Conservative tie
Dark socks, professional shoes
Very limited jewelry
Neat, professional hairstyle
Go easy on the aftershave
Neatly trimmed nails