How Staffing Agencies Reduce Employee Turnover

Staffing Agencies such as Staffing Logistics do much more that provide qualified employees to employers. We partner with employers to equip them with the practices and skills to retain, support and improve their workforce.

The most critical ways to retain employees include quality new hire orientations, incentivizing continued learning, making employees feel appreciated, and having excellent supervisors and managers. We provide observation-based and consultative services to assist our partners in this manner.

New Hire Orientations

Make sure that when people enter a job, they know what to expect before they start working. Many organizations have weekly or monthly orientation sessions for new employees where they learn about the organization, their company culture, safety practices, customer service, and what is expected of them in their respective roles. After employees begin their jobs, providing them with continued training can increase employee safety and productivity.

Making Employees Feel Appreciated

Employees who feel appreciated and respected are far more likely to remain at a workplace in comparison to those who don’t. Appreciation can be simple things like complimenting someone when they do a good job, providing employees with a welcoming, friendly greeting when they arrive, and asking them how they are doing. 

High-Quality Supervisors and Managers

Nothing makes an employee quit like a manager or supervisor who doesn’t respect them or fails to treat them well, or who ignores when another co-worker is doing so. Supervisors who treat employees well and step in to stop mistreatment by others are ones that people are happy to work for. 

Making employees feel appreciated, as aforementioned, is a critical skill for managers to follow to retain their employees. Providing employees with clear instructions and directions as well as non-judgemental tips and constructive criticism can help managers get the most out of their employees.

How We Can Help

At Staffing Logistics, we not only connect employers with qualified job-seekers, but we also train employers on what practices they can put in place to retain and improve their workforce. Through quality training, employee appreciation, and management, we can help your organization thrive and grow. 

For Employers, Industries and Career Fields, Services

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